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1. Flow charts
2. Getting started
3. Conditions and loops
4. Operators and patterns
5. Patterns – 2
6. Functions, Variables and their scope
7. Arrays and Lists
8. Searching and Sorting
9. Strings
10. Two Dimensional Lists
11. Dictionary, Sets and Tuples
12. Project – 2048
13. Recursion 1
14. Recursion 2
15. Recursion 3
16. Time and space complexity
17. Object-Oriented Programming – 1
18. Object-Oriented Programming – 2
19. Linked List -1
20. Linked List -2
21. Stacks & Queues
22. Trees
23. Binary Trees
24. BST
25. Priority Queues/Heaps
26. Tries and Huffman Coding
27. Dynamic Programming
28. Graphs